Tuesday, February 25, 2014

TEI Tuesday Tip for 2/25

Good Googly, Google Forms!

I continue to hear the comment from teachers that they want a tool that will show them which answers students are missing on hot spot TEI question types.  Google forms can provide the help and feedback for many TEI question types! As I posted earlier, Google forms are able to track multiple answers and with the use of a script, such as Flubaroo, can create self-checking forms that provide very specific feedback. Add to that the ability to use images in Google forms and you now have the ability to create some quick assessments that get students used to thinking beyond one correct answer.

I have created a Google form for third grade rounding practice. This 10 question form, uses the "fill in" and "hot spot" question types. I added an image for the hot spot questions, to show what the hot spot question would look like on a typical standardized state test. I added a page break for each page to make it easier to navigate. The data from students will become part of a spreadsheet that will give the teacher insights into how each student is answering these TEI questions.

I wish Google forms had been invented when I started teaching years ago. As you work with students using Google forms, you have the data to help them focus on moving up with their understanding. The TEI challenge is to think critically, work diligently and keep moving UP!

Here's to another day of moving UP with "thoughtfully engaged instruction"!

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