More TEI Resources

This list of excellent resources was compiled by 5th grade math teacher, Mary Murgas. You may email Mary at

Wow, what can I say about Math?  Ever since I was little, I enjoyed Math.  Unlike reading, Math came to me very easily and I was able to see what the teacher was teaching in my head.  Math made sense and the answer never changed.  I was able to see math everywhere around me.  As much as I loved learning about Math, there is nothing more rewarding than teaching Math to students.  The highlight of teaching Math is when a student’s light bulb turns on and the concept clicks.  The student then gains what I call Math Confidence.  My goal for students is not to only be able to solve Math concepts but to Love and Respect Math as much as I do.  Relating Math to the students’ world is the most effective way to get students involved in Math.  We read books that are Math related (Math Story Time), research famous mathematicians, use lots of technology, and learn about famous concepts like Fibonacci Sequence and Sieve of Eratosthenes.  We have a motto in our class:  Math is like driving.  You cannot take short cuts until you know the long way or you may get lost. “  This does not mean we take shortcuts- we do.  What it means is the students need to know why it is a shortcut and why it works.  Then the students are ready for the next level of mental math which should be every teacher’s goal.  
Nothing makes me feel better than hearing a student tell his or her friend that they love Math!  Being able to spread my passion to students is the greatest reward of all!


  1. SOL Practice Items from the VDOE
  2. Technology-Enhanced Items, a Video Demonstration
  3. What Parents and Students Should Know about the New Mathematics Standards of Learning

 Promethean Board

  1. Promethean Planet, TEI Search
  2. SOL Released Tests in Promethean Format
  3. Facebook Promethean Teacher Sharing Group
  4. Sevier County Schools- Interactive Whiteboards (Promethean Flipcharts)


  1. Creating SOL-Enhanced Items with SMART Notebook 11
  2. SMART Exchange, TEI SMART notebook lessons
  3. Tech Tools for the Classroom
  4. The Teacher's Guide, SMARTboard Resources

TEI Links

  1. Interactive Assessment, TEI Questions (This an awesome site!)
  2. Interactive Resources from Allen Teachers
  3. Interactive Math and Reading Sites  
  4. TEI Templates Blog (One of my favorites, of course)
  5. TEI Resources, Pinterest
  6. Rockingham Resources for the VA SOLs (Find resources to support TEI questions)

Drag and Drop

  1. Classroom Tech, Drag and Drop in Power Point
  2. Drag and Drop Fractions Practice
  3., Drag and Drop Activities
  4. Mr. Nussbaum, Drag and Drop Activities
  5. Multiplication Game, Drag and Drop the Answer

Whiteboard, Manipulatives , Interactive

  1. Birmingham Grid for Learning, Math Primary
  2. Birmingham Grid for Learning, Math Secondary
  3. Clickable Hundreds Board (a blank 100's board that reveals squares with a click)
  4. eChalk Resources for Interactive Whiteboards
  5. Interactive Math Websites for Interactive Whiteboards
  6. Math-a-rama, eManipulatives (under each grade level)
  7. Math Chimp
  8. Math Playground's Manipulatives
  9. PBS Kids Whiteboards
  10. Teacher Hub Interactive Whiteboard Resources
  11. Teacher LED Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers
  12. TES iBoard Interactive Activity Finder 
  13. Topmarks Interactive Board Lessons


  1. Create a Graph 
  2. Illuminations Data Grapher
  3. Kid Zone, Create a Graph
  4. Math is Fun Graphs 
  5. Mr. Nussbaum, Box & Whisker Graph
  6. Mr. Nussbaum, Line Graph
  7. Mr. Nussbaum, Stem & Leaf Graph
  8. Mr. Nussbaum, Histogram

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