Tuesday, November 26, 2013

TEI Tuesday Tip for Tuesday, 11/26


WOW, you MUST check out this website! Allenteachers is "dedicated to building dynamic, affordable resources and applications for education." They have created some amazing, interactive resources that are formatted to simulate TEI questions. Their interactive assessment materials and resources  can be used to thoughtfully engage students in thinking as well as prepare them for the increased rigor on standardized testing.
Like any resource, the effectiveness lies in how you use it with your students. What connections are you building with your students to help scaffold their learning and strengthen their content understanding? Take a few minutes to play with some of the resources and consider how you could use them with your students. I think you will very pleased with how they are self-checking as well.
To be honest, this website makes me want to learn how they created these wonderful activities! Here's to another day of "thoughtfully engaged instruction"!

1 comment:

  1. My name is Scott Allen. I am the owner/developer of the site. Thank you for giving it a shout out - I hope teachers find it useful. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.


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