Tuesday, December 17, 2013

TEI Tuesday Tip for 12/17

Developing Pass Advanced Readers with TEI

Today's TEI tip spotlights the division reading specialist for King George County Schools, Laura Jo Darcy. Laura Jo's deep knowledge and passion for excellence in literacy, pedagogy, and effective instructional practices are demonstrated throughout the division. Her ongoing professional development in schools focuses on aligning the curriculum with best practices in literacy and the development of students as readers and writers. Laura Jo's blog, Reading Pass Advanced, is an excellent tool for understanding how to become more effective with reading instruction. Perhaps what inspires me most about Laura Jo is her desire to work alongside teachers and students modeling best practices in reading and writing.

Enjoy LJ's spotlight which features specific lesson ideas and templates for instructional activities related to graphic notes TEI. Then take some time to bookmark her blog, Reading Pass Advanced!

Here's to another day of "thoughtfully engaged instruction"!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

TEI Tuesday Tip for 12/3

TEI Tuesday Stars!


You're Never Too Young to Learn!

Today's TEI tip showcases the work of an amazing group of 5th grade students. Their teacher, Mrs. LeFeave, approached me about teaching them to write their own TEI questions using ActivInspire software. After working with these talented designers, they were able to create their own hot spot questions to help practice identifying prime and composite numbers. They took on the challenge to learn how the software worked and I can say, their enthusiasm and eagerness was quite refreshing to work with! I compiled their work into one flipchart which you can use with your students.

Here's to another day of "thoughtfully engaged instruction"!

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