Getting on board with "fill-in-the-blank" TEI questions
Take a look at the two sample science TEI questions.
Students must “fill-in- the-blank” by providing the correct answer. Easy
enough, however, this kind of free response answer is atypical of most multiple
choice tests. Most of the fill-in-the-blank TEI questions involve numeric
answers, but getting students to generate an answer based on correct calculations and problem solving, requires
practice. How can you have students practice this type of response while also building
their endurance?
Dry erase boards: Dry erase boards offer a fun, quick way to
get ongoing feedback from students. They are reliable when the technology isn’t.
The teacher can monitor student progress and adjust instruction by observing
student responses on their mini-boards. They are a useful tool throughout each
stage of instruction and can be used in many different settings.
I made a set of dry erase boards by purchasing one large
sheet of “shower board” (tile board) at Lowe’s. When I explained it was for
my students, they were willing to cut the board into individual pieces. With nothing done to the edges, these
inexpensive dry erase boards have lasted since their purchase 10 years ago. If
you have a hard time finding this type of shower board, why not use plastic
coated dinner plates, laminated folders or sheet protectors with heavy paper
Google Forms: If you’ve never created a Google form, these
can also provide an engaging way to have students practice filling-in-the-blank
with a little more zip to the results. A
Google form can be used to collect information that is text-based or
numeric-based. When students submit their answers on a Google form, the data
goes to one spreadsheet that you can then use to view, sort and compare
Using a Google form isn’t something that you can only do in
the computer lab setting. With only a few computers in your classroom, students
can take turns completing a Google form as a quick formative assessment, check
for prior knowledge or learning extension.
Here is an example of a Google form that you might use to
get students thinking beyond one right answer.
The science question in the TEI sample asks the student to
identify the number of carnivores in the woodlands habitat diagram. The Google form below
asks students to identify carnivores in a variety of habitats.
Pose a question, respond using a Google form,
then have a discussion based on their responses.
Here's to another day of "thoughtfully engaged instruction"!
Here's to another day of "thoughtfully engaged instruction"!